What’s a “brand story” good for?
Like, do you need one? And if you have one, what do you do with it?
I regularly ask people at talks and workshops if they know the brand story of their toilet paper. You know — the stuff you use every. Single. Day. Of. Your. Life.
And maybe 1 in 200 have a clue.

Wanna grow market share?
There are two ways to do it:
Get more buyers
Get your buyers to buy more
Which matters more? Interestingly, the research points to two things — and fairly definitively.

What’s the ingredient to success nobody wants to talk about?
There's a major ingredient to success in business that we often don't want to talk about.
Half of all new businesses fail in the first 5 years.
Often, the reason for their failures — and other companies' success — is a big, fat, steamy scoop of luck.

What’s the breakout brand of the century?
Like, which one is the most unlikely brand in one of the most challenging categories?
I say Tito’s vodka.
I mean, think about it:

How Do You Handle the Brand-Catagory Paradox?
How do you stand out while fitting in?
This is the Brand-Category Paradox: how to deliver category basics but in distinct, branded ways. Fortunately there are lots of Levers you can pull to help handle it.