Media & Speaking

Keynote Overview- file

Speaking Reel- video

Public Talks

SXSW23 | The Laws and Levers of Brand Science | Austin | Ethan Decker PhD

With all the changes in technology and shopping habits, and with so many people claiming they know the ‘new rules’ of marketing, it’s vital to stay on top of what really works to grow your brand. The science of marketing has evolved too, and it’s showing us that there are universal laws that fly in the face of some of our most common theories about consumers, brands, and ads.

SXSW23, Austin, 2023

UBX18 | What Evolution tells us about Advertising | Munich | Ethan Decker PhD

Ethan Decker is an ecologist who took a left turn into advertising. At the UBX conference he took us into the fascinating world of flora and fauna to show us what 'utility' really looks like, and how brands could learn from nature when it comes to 'utility marketing'.

UBX18, Munich, 2018

TEDxSMU | We're All in Marketing: What Evolution Tells Us About Advertising | Ethan Decker PHD

Advertising is the Dirty Profession, famous for snake oil salesmen and shysters, shilling things that nobody needs, creating this bankrupt consumerist culture. But what if I told you that you were unknowingly in advertising too? My own journey from human evolution and ecology into marketing has taught me that we are all in advertising-and that's actually a good thing.

TEDxSMU, Dallas, 2015

Sanoma GetTomorrow | Cutting Through Marketing Bullsh*t with Evidence and Science | ETHAN DECKER PHD

Keynote presentation at Sanoma Media's GetTomorrow conference, Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland, October 2016

Sanoma Get Tomorrow, Helsinki, 2016


(representative not complete)

Jan 2025: The Data Scientist Podcast: The Science of Branding, A Data Driven Approach

Apr 2024: The Sleeping Barber: 100% Loyalty is Not Normal

Apr 2024: That Business of Meaning: Brand Science & Symbols

Mar 2024: Creative Distillations: Ethan Decker, Owner & Sole Proprietor, Pits and Stems

Nov 2023: Timebender Talks: Branding Reality Check: Art Meets Science

Aug 2023: Business as UNusual: Applied Brand Science

May 2023: Champagne Strategy: Brand Fluff vs Valuable Brand

Mar 2023: Audio Lab Content: The Connection Between Brands and Sound

Feb 2023: UNmiss: Effective Marketing is Science & Magic

Feb 2023: Brand Therapist: The Science of Branding

Nov 2022: Ninja Cat Podcast: The Science of Marketing & Branding

Aug 2022: Yes, and Marketing: Banana Curves and the Three Laws of Brands

Jul 2021: Marketing Mambo: The Science of Branding

Jun 2021: The Jungle: Marketing: An Applied Science

Jun 2021: Shock Your Potential: Fight Unfair

Mar 2021: The Business of Business: Scientific Laws of Marketing

Oct 2020: Let’s Talk Branding: No More Branding BS

Nov 2018: I’m Not Joking: Talking Marketing


Colorado Inclusive Economy

Member of the leadership committee and a leader of the marketing committee.

New PlayBook

Bad Jew Mafia


Apr 2023: Pepsi for President? Industry Gives Mixed Reviews to Soft Drink’s New Logo,  Lauren Elkies Schram

Mar 2021: The ‘wiggle room’ in marketing science, Ethan Decker