Ethan Decker Ethan Decker

Are There Any Niche Brands with Crazy Loyalty?

I mean, we hear about it all the time. There’s a pervasive story, a broad belief — dare I say an archetype — of the small, niche brand with the super-loyal customers. 

It seems to be extra extra pervasive in the natural foods world. Not sure why. Maybe because health nuts are also supposed to be brand nuts?

But there’s a problem with the story: the data don’t back it up.

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Ethan Decker Ethan Decker

Does 80% of Your Revenue Really Come From 20% of Your Customers?

The latest batch comes from over 330 publicly-traded non-CPG firms, for both product & services, care of scholars Daniel McCarthy at Emory & Russell Winer at NYU.

Do they find an 80/20 pareto ratio of revenue? Not quite.

For non-subscription firms, they find a 68/20 ratio on average. For subscription-type firms, the average is nearly 10% lower, at 59/20.

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