Do brands grow via loyalty or penetration? 
Ethan Decker Ethan Decker

Do brands grow via loyalty or penetration? 

It’s an age-old debate: acquire new customers, or try to get current customers to buy more?

Let’s look at Dove, one of the very very few global grocery brands to post 10 straight years of growth.

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Do Small Brands Follow the Law of Double Jeopardy?
Ethan Decker Ethan Decker

Do Small Brands Follow the Law of Double Jeopardy?

Small brands are weird. How weird are they?

In the kombucha category, f’rinstance, big brands like GT’s have higher penetration AND higher ‘loyalty’.

This is the Law of Double Jeopardy. It’s an empirical regularity, with nice equations that predict it quite, uh, nicely.

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