What recurring trigger could your brand stick to?
Most ads have a very predictable ‘exponential decay’ in their impact — if they get noticed at all. They spike & then fade away.
One brilliant thing you can do: link your brand to a RECURRING TRIGGER that comes up regularly in people’s lives.
Geico did just that with their ”Hump Day” spot, where Carl the Camel goads his colleagues into saying “Hump day”.
Are There Any Niche Brands with Crazy Loyalty?
I mean, we hear about it all the time. There’s a pervasive story, a broad belief — dare I say an archetype — of the small, niche brand with the super-loyal customers.
It seems to be extra extra pervasive in the natural foods world. Not sure why. Maybe because health nuts are also supposed to be brand nuts?
But there’s a problem with the story: the data don’t back it up.
Do Heavy Buyers Stay Heavy?
The TL;DR: not so much.
In a classic study,The NPD Group measured the purchase frequencies of 2,261 consumers across 27 brands in both CPG and non-cpg categories. Then they came back a year later to see how much folks were stll buying.

Cognitive illusions
Here’s one reason brand science is hard: shoppers at times are totally logical and utterly irrational. Take “cham” prices.