Who REALLY buys Dude Wipes?
Like, how well does the brand know its buyers?
You might’ve seen Dude Wipes. Launched in 2012, it is, quite simply, flushable wet wipes for dudes.
But is that tremendous growth really due to the cause? Maybe. But maybe not.
So you’d think the brand would, uh, rub women the wrong way. But you’d be wrong.

Want an ‘ownable’ logo?
Like, do you want your logo to never be confused with your competition?
Turns out there’s an interesting thing you can learn from some of the best in the world.
See, the first instinct for many logo designs is to do something “relevant” to the category.

What’s the “car door thunk” in your category?
It’s an open secret that the sound the car door makes when you close it has an oddly huuuge impact on how you assess the car’s quality.
This is because our brains are leaky: impressions we get in one area bleed into other areas. It’s called the halo effect.

How Do You Handle the Brand-Catagory Paradox?
How do you stand out while fitting in?
This is the Brand-Category Paradox: how to deliver category basics but in distinct, branded ways. Fortunately there are lots of Levers you can pull to help handle it.

How much organic food do people rilly buy?
Like, do “organic people” spend all their money on organics? What’s the ‘share of wallet’ for organics?
An analysis of purchase data for 8,000 German households found that only 4% of homes spent 20% or more of their food budget on organic food.