How much organic food do people rilly buy?
Like, do “organic people” spend all their money on organics? What’s the ‘share of wallet’ for organics?
An analysis of purchase data for 8,000 German households found that only 4% of homes spent 20% or more of their food budget on organic food.

Can music influence what people buy?
Like, can music subtly or subconsciously change people’s behavior?
For two weeks, folks from the University of Leicester did a little field experiment.

Are you dead-set on refreshing your brand?
If you’re doing a brand refresh, there’s one key rule: if you have any equity in your brand, don’t throw it away.
Instead, build on what’s already in people’s minds.

Do people know about your cause marketing program?
All 87 of these popular brands DO have cause marketing programs. Some are long, well-established programs & campaigns.
But DoSomething Strategic polled 1,900 people aged 13-25 & found out that most of The Kids — don’t forget, “they buy based on values!” — have no clue.

Is it time to ditch generational labels?
Should we stop making sweeping statements about Gen-Z and Boomers?
F’rinstance, Pew Research Center found that there are absolutely generational differences in the probability of 22-38-yr-olds being married. The Silent Generation had a 68% chance of being married in that age range, whereas Millennials only have a 38% chance.
But those shifts were basically smooth & LINEAR

Are you “controlling for size” in your brand studies?
You do a brand tracker or a U&A. You ask people how the brands rate on all the category attributes: “good for my family”, “trustworthy”, “healthy”, etc.
You find out that 2 brands are about tied, and the third brand (in orange here) has lower scores across the board.
Do you freak out and think, “Oh man! Orange is a weak brand!” Nope.