Do you know HOW your customers like to buy?
Like, how they physically like to GET and PAY for your products or services?
Domino’s, f’rinstance, recently revealed that there’s only a 15% overlap between their carryout customers and their delivery customers.
That’s right: only 15% of their customers do both carryout & delivery. The rest are like Capulets and Montagues: never the twain shall meet.
It’s as if the shopping style alone has segmented the world into two entirely different markets for pizza.

Who REALLY buys Dude Wipes?
Like, how well does the brand know its buyers?
You might’ve seen Dude Wipes. Launched in 2012, it is, quite simply, flushable wet wipes for dudes.
But is that tremendous growth really due to the cause? Maybe. But maybe not.
So you’d think the brand would, uh, rub women the wrong way. But you’d be wrong.