Do you know HOW your customers like to buy?  

Like, how they physically like to GET and PAY for your products or services?

Domino’s, f’rinstance, recently revealed that there’s only a 15% overlap between their carryout customers and their delivery customers.

That’s right: only 15% of their customers do both carryout & delivery. The rest are like Capulets and Montagues: never the twain shall meet.

It’s as if the shopping style alone has segmented the world into two entirely different markets for pizza.

And for decades, Domino’s has been building its reputation as the Don of Delivery.

Now that they’re focusing on growing their carryout business, they’ve noticed that Carryout People are just… not Delivery People. 

EVEN THOUGH both groups are literally buying the same pepperoni pizzas and BBQ wings. 

(I'm a Hawaiian fan myself. Sue me.)

So by focusing on carryout people, Domino’s has been able to grow their business a ton lately, since most pizza in the US is carryout, and since they really catered to just the Delivery slice of the market.

(Disclosure: I worked on Domino’s during the Paving for Pizza, Carryout Insurance, Rube Goldberg era while at CP+B.)


  1. Learn how your customers like to shop for & buy your products, not just how they like to use them.

  2. Offer services or shopping/buying/payment options that people want. Make it EASY for them to give you their money.

  3. Look to data to see how to segment your audience. Sometimes the results will surprise you.


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