How small is your shopper’s consideration set?

Like, how many brands in your category do they even consider buying?

McKinsey found that initial consideration sets for major purchases can be tiny: 3.8 for cars, and only 1.7 for computers. 

And we only consider 1 or 2 more brands while we shop. 

(These are averages of what are probably banana-curve — or at least skewed — distributions, with most people considering 1 or 2 and a small few considering 6 or 7 or 10.)

These things are expensive! Why don’t shoppers compare more? 

Because we are MENTAL MISERS. We do the least amount of thinking possible. Good enough is just fine. Ask-a-friend is a great shortcut. If most brands are decent, it doesn’t matter too much which one we choose. 

And we’re creatures of habit MUCH more than we are creatures of Brand Love. (“How do I love thee, Scotch Tape? Let me count the ways.” LOLZ)

How small are the consideration sets in your category? 

And importantly, what are you doing to get into them?

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★  Multi-day brand science training for your marketing team.

★  Brand strategy projects.

★  Coming soon: Brand Science, The Book!

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