Is 100% brand loyalty normal or freakish?
We love to fantasize about the brand loyalist.
You know: the one who only ever ever exclusively buys Levi’s, or Tito’s, or Sony. (Sony’s?)
But for nearly every category, they’re the outliers. They’re the freaks.

Why do People Forget About Your Brand?
This is essentially the first Law of Brand Science: you’re trying to get people to buy your brand, and the first hurdle is, they can’t even remember where they put their keys, much less remember your brand.

How small is your shopper’s consideration set?
How many brands in your category do they even consider buying?
McKinsey found that initial consideration sets for major purchases can be tiny: 3.8 for cars, and only 1.7 for computers.
And we only consider 1 or 2 more brands while we shop.