Is 100% brand loyalty normal or freakish?

We love to fantasize about the brand loyalist. 
You know: the one who only ever ever exclusively buys Levi’s, or Tito’s, or Sony. (Sony’s?)
But for nearly every category, they’re the outliers. They’re the freaks.
F’rinstance, take spice blends: Badia, Mrs. Dash, etc. 

Turns out most people have 3 or 4 brands in their pantry. Some even have 10 or more! And they’re not ‘switchers’: they just have a repertoire of brands they like.

(Though in truth there are lots of homes with a 10-yr-old can of Old Bay rusting in the back of a cabinet....)

This is a universal pattern. And it’s 98% likely to be true for your category too. 

And true in your closet/pantry/garage/driveway too. For reals. Go look. I’ll wait.

So get over it. 

And in fact, learn how to use it to your advantage too. (Yes, there are ways to use this to your advantage.)


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