Does click-through rate actually matter?

Like, what does it tell you, and what does it get you?

Nielsen studied nearly 500 global campaigns and foundโ€ฆ nada. Zip. Zilch.

Did CTR correlate with ad recall? Nope. Less than 1%, in fact.

How about brand awareness? Nope. Or purchase intent? Nope nope. Both less than 1%.

But surely ROI? Ha. ROI had a -0.07%correlation with CTR. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Even Facebook knows this.

Yes this data is โ€œold.โ€ But things havenโ€™t changed much.

In fact, the main thing thatโ€™s changed in 10 years is now upwards of 70%-80% of clicks are FRAUDULENT: bots or other โ€œcreative accounting.โ€


1. Donโ€™t use CTR as a proxy for any other brand or sales metrics.

2. Maybe donโ€™t buy online media based on the CTR.

3. Do the hard math to find out what makes ads effective for _your_ brand.


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