How will Amazon's brand lose iTs luster?

Applied Brand Science - Moldy Yogurt Amazon.png

With moldy jerky, chunky brown yogurt, and year-old brownies. 

Yet another report has just come out about the crap being sold on the free-wheeling Amazon marketplace, which now makes up 58% of Amazon's product sales.

This time it's CNBC reporting that of Amazon's 100 best-selling food products, over 40% had complaints about expired, rancid, or rotten items. 

This follows other reports about the Amazon Marketplace — where third-party companies sell things directly — being full of banned, counterfeit, unsafe, and mislabeled products.

Amazon has its Marketplace defenses: it's hard to police. There are bad actors. We guarantee everything. It's technically an "online forum" and so Amazon's not responsible.

But for most people, it'll be Amazon who loses their trust, not some random third-party jerky seller.

If it keeps up, bye bye brand equity.

Amazon is shipping expired food, from baby formula to old beef jerky, scaring consumers and putting big brands at risk - CNBC


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