Why do People Forget About Your Brand?

Well, because exponential decay is the natural state of memory in the brain.

We forget stuff all the time to make room for more stuff.

People’s names. Meals. World History class. Books. Birthdays. Songs. Old phone numbers. Ads (of course). And brands.

This is essentially the first Law of Brand Science: you’re trying to get people to buy your brand, and the first hurdle is, they can’t even remember where they put their keys, much less remember your brand.

Herman Ebbinghaus documented the Forgetting Curve in 1885.

(And yes, even with ‘old data’ it’s still relevant, because brains are the same as 500 years ago.)

Yes, repetition helps to boost retention. And more repetition = more retention. (And more repetition = more retention. And more repetition =…)

But the norm is decay.

Which is why everyone forgets your brand.

And why you gotta do 200% to make it memorable.

Even just, “Wait, which brand was it, hon??”


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Feature: How do you make your brand fit in for the holidays?