What are the odds your small business will survive?

Starting a business is risky business. 

Last year, 1,054,052 small businesses were born in the US. What are their odds of success?

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics has data for 19MM small companies born over the past 30 years. 

About half make it past their 5th birthday. And 1 in 5 make it to legal drinking age (21).

But “survival of the fittest” applies too: the odds of living for another year hit 90% after 4 years, and plateau at around 95.5% after 17 yrs.

There are, of course, things you can do to increase your odds of success. 

(And this dataset doesn’t cover big companies, or those in the rest of the frickin’ world.)

But it’s good to know the base rates. 

Odds are, they apply to you too.

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